crypto coins

In blockchain technology, a token is a digital representation of an asset, permission, or benefit, that resides on a blockchain. Tokens can represent various things, including currency, real estate, stocks, loyalty points, or even voting rights within a decentralized application. They are created through a process known as tokenization, where a physical or digital asset is represented by a token on a blockchain, making it easily transferable and tradable.

Common Tokens

  1. Cryptocurrency Tokens: These are the most well-known type of tokens, like Bitcoin or Ether, which function as digital currencies and are used for transactions within their respective networks.

  2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Unlike other tokens that are fungible (interchangeable with one another), NFTs represent unique assets, like digital art, collectibles, or even real estate deeds, making them non-interchangeable.

  3. Stablecoins: These are tokens designed to have a stable value, often pegged to a fiat currency like the US dollar, to reduce volatility. Examples include Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC).

  4. Utility Tokens: These tokens give holders access to a product or service within a specific blockchain-based platform. For example, Ethereum’s Ether can be considered a utility token because it is used to pay for transaction fees and services on the Ethereum network.

  5. Governance Tokens: These tokens give holders voting power within a decentralized application (DApp) or protocol. Holders can vote on important decisions, such as protocol upgrades or changes in governance rules.

How Tokens Work

Tokens are created on existing blockchain platforms, with Ethereum being the most popular platform for token creation through its ERC-20 (fungible tokens) and ERC-721 (non-fungible tokens) standards. Once created, tokens can be transferred, traded, or used within applications, depending on their specific use case.

For an ERC-20 token on Ethereum, a transaction might look something like this in the blockchain’s data:

  "from": "0xA1b2c3D4e5F6g7H8i9J0kL1mN2oP3qR4",
  "to": "0xZ9Y8X7W6V5U4T3S2R1Q0oP9nM8L7K6J5",
  "value": "1000000000000000000",  // 1 eth token (in Wei)
  "gas": "200000",
  "contractAddress": "0xTokenContractAddress123456",
  "transactionHash": "0xTransactionHash1234567890abcdef"

In this example:

  • from is the address of the sender.
  • to is the address of the receiver.
  • value represents the number of tokens transferred, typically in the smallest unit (like Wei in Ethereum).
  • contractAddress is the address of the token’s smart contract.
  • transactionHash uniquely identifies this particular transaction on the blockchain.

A token on the blockchain is represented by data within the blockchain’s ledger, governed by smart contracts, and recorded through transactions that specify the sender, receiver, amount, and other relevant details. The “look” of a token is therefore purely digital and conceptual, defined by the code and data that manage its creation, transfer, and balance.

If visualized in a blockchain explorer, tokens are typically shown as balances associated with an address, along with a list of transactions involving those tokens. The tokens themselves are shown as numbers (representing quantities) next to the user’s address, without any specific visual appearance beyond the data and numbers that describe them.


Key characteristics of tokens include interoperability, where tokens can often be used across different platforms within the same blockchain ecosystem. They also feature divisibility, meaning many tokens can be divided into smaller units, allowing for fractional ownership or transactions. Lastly, tokens are a versatile and essential component of blockchain technology, enabling a wide range of applications, from digital currencies to complex decentralized ecosystems.

References and Further Reading